No one cared enough to submit so no compwas held

Soccer (Shirt) Bowl '24 was the innagural NASL kit competition

Submissions were due Midnight on August 25, 2024 at 1:00am PST

No late work will be allowed

To submit your kit go to this form!

Voting will start August 26th, 2024 with a Google form on the website with a bracket


Helpful Items

Also any text submissions will be made by me on Fifakitcreator and put on this website

You will know that your kit fully has fully submitted when it is on the website, please do not bombard me with form submissions about how your kit is not on the webpage, as it may take me about a week to upload it, as I may be on vacation

There may also be also be a small prize, physical or virtual, in the works, but don't expect too much

Good luck and happy Kit Making!

Please Note: I am no way affialated by any NASL nostalgia organizations, Dave Morris (The Creator of the Great, or anyone else

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